Cayman Amateur Radio Society
Grand Cayman:There is an open repeater on Grand Cayman that operates on 146.76MHz with a standard negative 600kc input. The equipment is a Yaesu and the Telewave 150F6 antenna is mounted at 150ft on a tower at Northward.
Cayman Brac: The Club repeater equipment is on Cayman Brac and permission has been given to place the antenna on the Government tower. The frequencies will be 147.30Mhz with a positive 600kHz input. It is hoped that the repeater will be operational very soon
ZF1(Grand Cayman), ZF8 (Little Cayman) and ZF9(Cayman Brac) prefixes are issued to persons who sit and pass the licence examination in Cayman.
ZF2 prefix is used for reciprocal licences issued to citizens of all other countries.
There is a visitor application form that can be downloaded here from OfReg.
For more details on licensing, please see our regulator, OfReg.
146.760 on the repeaterMHz daily at 7.30 am and pm
18.150MHz on Sunday at 21:00Z
3.895MHz occasionally on Sunday at 10:00am local. It is also the emergency frequency for communication between the three Islands.
Special purpose call signs - ZF1A is the Club station, ZF1C is the Red Cross station and ZF1E is the Emergency Operations Center. ZF1C and ZF1E will only be on when there is emergency traffic to be handled so please DO NOT try to contact them for a general QSO or to get a QSL card as they do not issue them.
Originally Cayman Hams operated as VP5 which was later changed to ZF.
The Cayman Amateur Radio Society (orignally known as Cayman Radio Society) was formed in 1979 by 8 hams who were resident here and got its permanent club shack in Savannah in 1990.
Cayman Hams have been very active through the years with emergency communication and have played important roles in various hurricanes which affected Cayman and other Caribbean Islands.
Mailing Address - P.O.Box 1029GT Grand Cayman KY1-1102
Club Shack - #65 Pedro Castle Road, Savannah
Annual dues - CI$25 or US$31 payable on January 1st for the calendar year